Lol nice shape tweens
No marvel in terms of animation, but the kevin xu part is kinda funny (mainly just cuz its kevin xu RAPPING) btw, this is Thomas (colgrove not berry)
Lol nice shape tweens
No marvel in terms of animation, but the kevin xu part is kinda funny (mainly just cuz its kevin xu RAPPING) btw, this is Thomas (colgrove not berry)
Loved it
this was actually incredibly funny. Id love to see this as a series so ima vote for you on the fox website. Graviton and gunman were awesome.
Thank you! And an extra thank you for the vote! :D
Just so everyone knows
Roberts screwed up the oath not Obama
Suicide isn't funny
3/10 for good animation, but suicide isn't something to joke about. Seriously, how many people do you know who have comitted or attempted suicide. It's not funny, it's horrible and sad.
Brilliant! Make Full PLEASE!!!!!
Iron Maiden is my favorite band and can i play with madness kicks ass. This animation is really cool and it would be awesome if you made a full music video on the song based on madness combat. The idea in itself is really awesome!
thing is, I had this idea to make this "could have been" music video for 4 years now. maybe next year when I have the time to spare.
I felt the same way man.
This flash definately accurately summarizes my feeling when I found out about the delay. Nice job.
I really liked this movie. The animation was awesome and I loved the art style. This one didn'tt contain much plot but from the little blurbs on the load screen it looks like the story's shaping up to be really interesting. Also the action was fast and awesome. The choice of music was really good and the small amount of voice acting was excellent. I can't wait to see more from this series. It looks like it's going to kick major ass.
An awesome interpretation of a great song.
You are an awesome flasher man. A few days ago u had God of War 2 Theme, and now you have this both of which are hilarious. I've seen a lot of Weird Al Music Videos in the Portal but this is one of the better oness. I especially like the end. Keep it up.
This is soooooooo funny. You managed to take a serious song and make it hilarious. It's especially good because when you read the text it actually sounds like that's what they're saying. The overall experience is actually enhanced by the crappy graphics and stupid stick figre guy. In short this is probbly the best crappy flash I have ever seen.
The Moon
Joined on 5/19/07