View Profile N0VA64

38 Audio Reviews

13 w/ Responses

Nice but not perfect.

This song is awesome but sometimes you can tell the beat is not quite on and the solo is somewhat out of tune and is almost piercing to ones ears. Considering however u had not been playing guitar for that long itt's amazing. I think it would be awesome if you redid the song with the skills you now have (FICTIONAL REALITY ROCKS!!!) And make the song longer and better. Then it would truly be an audio portal mastwerpeice. So if u ever read this please take thee advicee into consideration!!! =)


Basically Rose2. But rose is one of the best songs in the audio portal so I don't have a problem with that!!!!! Really awsome sense of energy and a great melody. It's complex intricate and near perfection!!!!!

Best classical in Audio Portal!!!

This is really good all I would say you could do to improve is add more dynamic diversity. That way the song would sound a lot more exciting and full of energy.


"Thanks for your vote, N0VA64! You voted 5 for Bass Invaders Theme, raising its score from 3.57 to 3.75."
Nice!! I love how it starts as the music (if you would call it that) from space invaders and than expands upon it and makes it awesome. A great piece of work.

Awesome!! Please make more!

W00T!! Love it. I voted 5 raising it from 3.91 to 4.00. YAY!


YAY! A new paragonx9 song. Been a year since the last one. It's a lot different from your other works but I love it. It's a real nice blend of what sounds like a fantasy and then it's futuristic at the same time. Very Good. I hope you'll have more soon! You will, Right?

Nice Work

I like this a lot. It has a nice melody I just think sometimes the tracks aren't completely on beat with each other and it ocasionaly gets a little crowded but othherwise very good.

triangleshower responds:

first, thanx,
yeah, i really have to do something about the drum situation soon... currently im playing the parts out in real time... on a 15 year old yamaha keyboard.


The most amazing thing I've heard on NG!!!!!!! Your other stuff is amazing as well but this is definately one of your best. PLEASE PLEASE POST MORE AUDIO! You're the best on the audio portal! Just think everytime someone even enters the audio portal they hear music by by Paragonx9! You haven't lost it! Keep it UP!



The Moon

Joined on 5/19/07

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